Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Well for Christmas Grammie Bonnie and Grandpa Ron got the girls this Jump-o-lene which they hate as you can tell. It is great the perfect size for the 2 of them to play in together. Izzy does jump in it she just would jump for pictures, she's no jumping monkey but as you can tell Paige will for the camera.
Izzy likes to sit and watch her big sister get silly and will run around in it more so than jump. We thought that this would be a good alternative to a trampoline. Plus, I can put it away and they can play with it inside and out. The big bonus is we don't have to figure out what to do with it during hurricanes and windstorms.
With both girls in gymnastics this is a great toy for them. Thank you, Grammie an Grandpa Ron we love it. Maybe I will get some video of both of them jumping.

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